Bitstar Overview
Bitstar History
Bitstar (BITS) has been around since 23rd April, 2014 and runs without being controlled by a single administration, such as a central bank. You can mine the Bitstar decentralized cryptocurrency, which is done so using the Scrypt algorithm along with the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus. For the latest from Bitstar, you can find them on social media sites, such as Twitter, Github, Slack, Facebook and Reddit.
About Bitstar (BITS)
Name | Bitstar |
Symbol | BITS |
Algorithm | Scrypt |
Mineable | |
Consensus | Proof of Stake (PoS) |
Start Date | 23rd April 2014 |
Bitstar by the numbers
Market Pos | 2450 |
USD Price |
Market Cap | $310,685 |
Volume | $0.6464920000 |
Supply | 21,145,092.00 |
Difficulty |
Bitstar links
Website | |
Whitepaper | |
Announcement | |
Explorer 1 | |
Explorer 2 | |
Source Code | |
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