Cryptocurrency Coin Index (Page 10)

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Coin Price Market Cap Volume Supply Algorithm Mineable Calc
Zap $0.0028961900 $1,329,421 $3,817 460,000,000
Stakenet $0.0104036500 $1,318,355 $919 125,955,367 X11
Skycoin $0.0592070000 $1,312,740 $127 22,172,069
Egretia $0.0003374600 $1,293,019 $234,071 3,905,000,028
ATN $0.0148587100 $1,285,810 $1,384 86,535,745
SolarCoin $0.0198367100 $1,285,693 $1,551 64,813,807 Scrypt
nOS $0.0125400000 $1,285,350 $7 102,500,000
Consensus $0.0007293300 $1,285,277 $34 1,762,262,602
Hara Token $0.0010664900 $1,279,486 $4,567 1,199,719,500
PirateCash $0.0208045100 $1,275,229 $334,877 61,046,069 EquiHash
CoinUs $0.0019330800 $1,217,180 $186 629,658,644
TraDove B2BCoin $0.0024303412 $1,215,171 $213,647 500,000,000
Garlicoin $0.0176624700 $1,213,235 $491 68,616,820 Allium
Grid+ $0.0308906000 $1,212,966 $29 39,266,491
Memetic $0.0288022000 $1,204,731 $4,591 41,827,754 X11
TrueFlip $0.1791300000 $1,197,121 $0.1583400000 6,682,972
PutinCoin $0.0005429200 $1,193,552 $211 2,196,675,110 Scrypt
NoLimitCoin $0.0048420100 $1,192,035 $612 246,186,195 Proof of Stake (PoS)
COSS $0.0062255000 $1,182,845 $830 190,000,000
Auroracoin $0.0593060000 $1,172,446 $320 19,769,331 Scrypt, SHA-256, Skein
YGGDRASH $0.0001739900 $1,156,815 $1,692 6,648,897,633
Nxt $0.0011277700 $1,126,643 $41,107 998,999,942 Proof of Stake (PoS)
Hotbit Token $0.0013282500 $1,124,832 $224 844,153,016
Kambria $0.0007077500 $1,121,550 $287 1,582,989,648
DAEX $0.0031438400 $1,115,014 $246 354,666,702
Knoxstertoken $0.0096967300 $1,080,719 $142 111,451,960
BlakeBitcoin $0.0514630000 $1,071,755 $618 20,840,764 Blake
Phoenixcoin $0.0116435000 $1,069,109 $23 91,779,434 NeoScrypt, Scrypt
LanaCoin $0.0003078200 $1,067,885 $178 3,463,500,036 SHA-256
Silent Notary $0.0000066100 $1,058,296 $39,813 159,642,058,841
Pakcoin $0.0128467400 $1,053,166 $15,408 81,979,290 Scrypt
Bolt $0.0010443100 $1,043,262 $138 999,000,000
Pillar $0.0039981200 $1,038,276 $142 259,348,201
OVCODE $0.0496203700 $1,035,825 $0 20,875,000
Musicoin $0.0005263400 $1,032,936 $0 1,962,500,942 EtHash
Bata $0.1992780000 $1,007,399 $6 5,055,252 Scrypt
V-ID blockchain $0.0219477200 $1,001,831 $5,895,088 46,282,792
PotCoin $0.0043528500 $998,399 $157,571 228,850,521 Scrypt
Xaurum $0.0138270400 $984,292 $12 71,186,025
Zippie $0.0024275600 $982,583 $10 404,761,000
DarkPayCoin $0.1200800000 $980,844 $750 8,242,542
Binance GBP $1.39 $972,146 $167,712 700,001
LAToken $0.0160110000 $971,547 $230 60,680,000
EUNO $0.0001342700 $967,615 $1,036 7,206,289,734 X11
Carlive Chain $0.0001479400 $955,637 $11,500 6,459,716,603
THEKEY $0.0001880000 $951,304 $4,280 5,060,038,287
BitNautic $0.0357146800 $948,725 $7,410 26,564,016
Enigma $0.0114162400 $948,586 $173,630 82,717,912 X11
Volume Network Token $0.0031342400 $940,274 $0 300,001,000
Sentivate $0.0003697500 $937,517 $0 2,535,526,279
Showing 451 to 500 of 7438 results
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