Calculator Widgets

Press Release

November 1st 2017

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We have released a new calculator widget that webmasters can use on their own websites for free

What is the widget?

The widget is a profitability calculator for both cloud mining and traditional mining services. It is completely free to use.

Users can input various pieces of information and the calculator will return with projected profitability in four time frames; daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.


The widget can be customized to suit your site. The widget can have a fixed width or be fluid. We allow you to customize the border or remove it completely, change the calculate and back button colors, edit the results tab colors, change the background and tool tip colors.

Responsive Design

The widget is designed to be responsive. This allows it to fit any website, even as small 320px for mobile phone screens or as large as you like for desktop sites.

Currencies Offered

The widget is launching with seven available currencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Dash, Monero, Litecoin and Zcash. Use as few or as many as you like.

Adding the widget to your site

Adding it to your website is easy. We provide embed code that you simply have to paste where you would like the calculator to appear. Embed it the same way you would a YouTube video.

Widget Page

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