The project behind it is a Crypto Exchange that will have the main currency Antimony Coin.
In terms of premine, it will be used for community bounty, for the exchange development, listing on other exchanges, licenses, consultants, accountants, for marketing and other foreseeable and unpredictable costs.
A coin that will have a purpose on the market and a continuous development of 'many' projects connected to each other, this year it is planned to the Antimony currency, the development of the Crypto Exchange, listing the coin on the top Exchanges and a lot of marketing.
To sustain the realistic affordability of the project a premine of 25% have been reserved so can cover the costs that will follow in stages.
- 10% for the community in exchange for small "bounty" services,
- 5% consulting fees, licenses, etc. and
- 10% for team and company development.
- 75% for mining, estimated at 15,000,000 / year.
In the second year, the plan is to initiate the foundation of a prepay 'bank' similar to other types of prepaid banks but to be synchronized with the exchange, in this way it will be possible to add and withdraw funds with the card or bank transfers in traditional currency.
Antimony Coin - Masternode
PHI1612 PoW/MN algorithm thanks for 216k155
MN Reward
The Antimony Coin is a decentralized peer-to-peer banking financial platform, created under an open source license, featuring a built-in cryptocurrency, end-to-end encrypted messaging and decentralized marketplace. The decentralized network aims to provide anonymity and privacy for everyone through a simple user-friendly interface by taking care of all the advanced cryptography in the background.
Coin Specifications
Specification Value
Block Size 4MB
Block Time 120s
PoW Reward 60 ATMN
Masternode Requirement 5,000 ATMN
Port 25676
RPC Port 25674
Masternode Port 25676
Reward Method Teeter Totter Based Targeting System
The Antimony Coin is a decentralized peer-to-peer banking financial platform, created under an open-source license, featuring a built-in cryptocurrency, end-to-end encrypted messaging, and decentralized marketplace. The decentralized network aims to provide anonymity and privacy for everyone through a simple user-friendly interface by taking care of all the advanced cryptography in the background.
Project Website: https://www.antimonycoin.com/
Wallets are available for Windows, Ubuntu Linux, and Web Wallet compatible with any device, all the links and guide can be accessed from the main page of the website project. The Antimony Coin can be mined directly with the Windows Wallet so anyone can start and mine.
There is also a Discord server for the project where it is possible to interact by chatting with the project members and the community: https://discord.gg/pxjvJyKnna